Post birth information

Created on
January 4, 2024

Soft tissues take about 6–12 weeks to heal, so even if you’re feeling amazing, these guidelines aim to support healing on the inside. Every day you’ll get a little bit stronger, which is why the guidelines progress over the weeks. Any concerns – bleeding or lasting heaviness – please ring your midwife/child health nurse or doctor’s office.

Immediately post-birth (hospital and home)

Getting out of bed

Bend your knees up, roll to get onto your side and use your legs and arms to push yourself up into sitting position.

Lying down to rest

This is the most important (and often most difficult) part of healing during the first few weeks, balanced with gentle activity.




Weeks 1–3: walk 5–10 minutes at a time. Build this up so you’re doing a little more each day. Doing short walks multiple times is better than one long walk.

Weeks 3–6: continue to increase your walking time each day until you can do

30–45 minutes once or twice a day.

Cleaning and home duties

In the first six weeks of tissue recovery aim to avoid heavy, prolonged or strenuous activities. Light home duties done in a relaxed manner are perfectly OK. Pacing and balance are the key.

Here are some tips for modifying your home duties over the first 6 weeks post op:

Deep abdominal exercises

After week 1, aim for 3 sessions per day until we see you at 6 weeks.

Things may feel different after the birth, but if you are concerned or in pain, contact your midwife / obstetrician.  If it’s the exercises that hurt, just stop until you see your physio.

Aim to do these exercises in a lying or sitting position initially:

If any of these hurt or make you feel worse, just stop until you see your physio.

Always draw up at the front before standing up from a chair, coughing, sneezing, lifting or laughing, even early on. If you can’t hold it, it’s OK, research shows trying to draw up helps tension the tissues and protects you anyway.

Pelvic tilts



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